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A new home, a new stunning inspiration

I'm back!

Hey there, long time no see! I’ve spent the last 2 months adjusting to my new home in southeastern New Mexico. It’s a big change from my old stomping grounds of Albuquerque – a smaller town, a different scenery, a slower pace of life – and I’ve been using this transition time to also take a break from the daily grind of running a small business. But now it’s early November, the holidays are nearly here, and I’m ready to get back at it!

This move has brought up a lot of reflection for me, particularly about my connection to the southwest US.  The American Southwest has been my physical home since I moved from the Pacific Northwest 23 years ago, but it has never held that emotional connection many folks associate with the feeling of “home”. While I have found inspiration in this region and have lived here now for my entire adult life, I’ve also always felt like more of an outsider than a local – like a PNW transplant who is forever out of place in the arid SW.

Previously, I’ve associated the desert southwest with muted neutral colors and a sense of desolation and harshness. Maybe my perspective was clouded by my experience of moving here as a moody teenager, but I never really challenged my deep seated bleak interpretation of desert dwelling.

But moving has shaken up this perspective and I’m realizing that feeling of being an outsider is much more self imposed than founded in reality. From the vibrant and persistent survival story of this region’s original inhabitants, to the awe inspiring moon rises, the American Southwest is a uniquely vivid region that is better represented by bright colors and connection to the people and landscapes that surround me. 

Here’s two snaps of the landscape surrounding my new home in southeastern New Mexico, paired with my vivid reimagining of the desert color palette –

  • Dark teal shadows
  • Peachy limestone rocks
  • Deep pink prickly pears
  • Fluorescent blue sky
  • Leafy green ocotillos
  • Neon yellow sunshine

Be the Bright Spot

All this is to say, my reimagined vision of life in the American Southwest has brought fresh energy to Sew Minimal. I’m refocusing my efforts on creating uniquely handcrafted and upcycled pieces that empower my customers to BE THE BRIGHT SPOT in their day. Much like the fluorescent blue sky that stretches over the desert, or the pop of pink on a prickly pear cactus, we can be the bright spot in a landscape that may otherwise appear barren at first glance, but upon closer is home to vibrant and thriving beauty.

Life is challenging, and our specific historical moment presents serious humanitarian, environmental, and political struggles beyond whatever is happening in our personal lives. It’s not useful to ignore what’s happening nor is it productive to paste on a smile and pretend like everything is peachy keen. But I do know that when I take the effort to spread a little joy in someone else’s day, I feel useful and more connected to the world around me.

Sew Minimal is my opportunity to BE THE BRIGHT SPOT in my little slice of the world. I hope that we can help each other carry that brightness to others through kindness, care, and of course vibrant upcycled fashion!

💚 Kelly Colleen

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Richard Atwood

    Your perspectives are as inspiring as your colorful creations are engaging and the time you have spent in the Chihuahuan Desert has grown you into one of its own flowers. Keep doing what you do!

    1. sewminimalclothing

      I guess you could say this is my version of your “glass half full” mentality. Thank you, and I will keep on keeping on!

  2. Susie Kuykendall

    Kelly, your words inspire me! They arrive on my doorstop just as our PNW weather takes a turn toward the deeper sleep of late autumn. Your “Be the Bright Spot” is just the shot in the arm this old girl needs in her dreamscape. Love you, and love the new campaign! THANK you. Susie

    1. sewminimalclothing

      Thanks Susie! Glad I could help inject a little brightness into your day! 🙂

  3. Joan Frazier

    Love your posts Kelly! So uplifting and inspiring! Love you!

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